Sponsored Trey Lee‧Nostalgia - A National Day Celebration of Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra

Our Bank sponsored Trey Lee‧Nostalgia - A National Day Celebration concert in 2013.
Our Bank sponsored Trey Lee‧Nostalgia - A National Day Celebration concert in 2013.
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Our Bank has sponsored the National Day Concerts organized by the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra* for the 5th consecutive year, celebrating with the Hong Kong citizens the National Day of China and promoting the arts and cultural development in Hong Kong. Themed Trey Lee‧Nostalgia - A National Day Celebration, the concert this year brought audience fantastic musical performances which demonstrated the features of Chinese and European folk songs.

*Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra started to hold the National Day Concerts from 2010, which has become an important celebration activity for the National Day.

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