Joined The Community Chest 55th Anniversary Walk for Millions

More than 320 staff of CMB Wing Lung Bank and their families to participate in the “The Community Chest 55th Anniversary Walk for Millions”.
More than 320 staff of CMB Wing Lung Bank and their families to participate in the “The Community Chest 55th Anniversary Walk for Millions”.
The staff and their family members contributed their love and support to charitable causes through practical actions.
The staff and their family members contributed their love and support to charitable causes through practical actions.
Mr. Hong Bo, CEO of CMB Wing Lung Bank (3rd from the left in the 4th row), represented the Bank to attend the kick off ceremony of “The Community Chest 55th Anniversary Walk for Millions”.
Mr. Hong Bo, CEO of CMB Wing Lung Bank (3rd from the left in the 4th row), represented the Bank to attend the kick off ceremony of “The Community Chest 55th Anniversary Walk for Millions”.
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On 7th January 2024 (Sunday), CMB Wing Lung Bank and China Merchants Bank (Hong Kong Branch) organized a team of more than 320 staff and their families to participate in “The Community Chest 55th Anniversary Walk for Millions”. The team started walking from the western entrance of the Scenic Hill Tunnel across the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge-Hong Kong Link Road within 6 km while contributing to charity through practical actions.

The Bank worked together with staff and raised HK$347,700 for 24 social welfare organizations under the Hong Kong Community Chest that provide "Family and Child Welfare Services"!

*To celebrate the 55th anniversary of The Community Chest, the Chest organized a special Walk for Millions at the new landmark at the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge - Hong Kong Link Road.

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