Supported Dress Casual Day of The Community Chest

Head of Corporate Communications, Ms. Venus Lee, presented a cheque of donations to The Community Chest on behalf of the Bank.
Head of Corporate Communications, Ms. Venus Lee, presented a cheque of donations to The Community Chest on behalf of the Bank.
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The Bank has continued to encourage our staff to join the Dress Casual Day* organized by The Community Chest in 2014. On 30th September, the day before the National Day, 756 participating staff dressed casually to work in support of the activity. The Bank raised a total of over HK$83,000 donations as a contribution to the society.

*With concept originated from the United States, the Dress Causal Day was first organized in Hong Kong in 1993. In 2013, the Dress Causal Day was supported by over 380,000 participants and raised more than HK$1.8 million.

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