Joined New Territories Walk for Millions of The Community Chest

A group photo of our colleagues and their families at Tolo Harbour to honour the accomplishment achieved.
A group photo of our colleagues and their families at Tolo Harbour to honour the accomplishment achieved.
A certificate of merit is distributed to CMB Wing Lung Bank colleagues as a token of appreciation for completing the walk.
A certificate of merit is distributed to CMB Wing Lung Bank colleagues as a token of appreciation for completing the walk.
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The New Territories Walk 2015 was held on 15th March, 2015 (Sunday). Our Bank has hit a record high of 424 participants joining the Walk, including our colleagues and their families. Together with the CMB Wing Lung Foundation’s dollar-for-dollar matching fund, a total of HK$351,780 was raised to support 23 member social welfare agencies in enhancing “Family and Child Welfare Services”.

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