Credit Card Repayment Calculator

You can now use the Credit Card Repayment Calculator to figure out the total repayment amount and related interest thereon under the following scenarios:

  1. making only minimum payment each month; and
  2. paying off the statement balance (including principal and interest) in 36 months by a monthly fixed payment amount.


Statement Balance (HKD/CNY)
Annual Interest Rate (%)


The resulting amounts and periods below are for reference only:

Monthly repayment amount Estimated time required to
pay off the balance and
interest generated
repayment amount
Total outstanding
balance of credit card
amount saved
Minimum payment - - - -
Fixed payment - - - -


Assumptions/ Remarks:

  1. No unbilled installment amount;
  2. No new transactions, annual fees and other charges;
  3. Repayments are made on or before the payment due date on each statement.


Minimum Payment
= [(Statement Balance – Finance Charge and Other Fees & Charges) x 1% + Finance Charge and Other Fees & Charges] (minimum = $200)
+ Outstanding Minimum Payment Due or Exceed Credit Limit Amount (whichever is higher)

The total amount saved is the total repayment amount of which only the minimum payment is paid in each month less the total repayment amount of all outstanding balance paid in 3 years.

Please refer to the Service Fee for the interest rates.

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